A Realtor
with Heart

Let Brian Migliaccio
take care of you
while you buy or sell
your next home in Portland.

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Your home plays such a huge role in your family’s happiness and future livelihood. You can trust me to bring the energy, expertise, and deep caring you deserve. Whether you’re buying or selling, let’s work together and create a beautiful new future for your family.

 What Customers Say About Brian Migliaccio

  • "Brian went above and beyond to help us! We could tell he really cared about making sure we were well informed of any stipulations. He was always willing to do extra digging if need be. He's so friendly, available, knowledgeable, and we always felt we could trust that he had our best interest in mind." - Corinda

  • "Brian is one of those agents you can trust to have your family's best interest at heart and at the forefront of his mind, as he guides you through the whole process. His knowledge and pulse on the market is honest, accurate, and truly beyond compare, he offers advice like a long-time friend would." - Rachel

  • "I can't believe how much life we have lived since Brian settled us in our little dream home! He was patient, enthusiastic and 110% present at every step. He has become a trusted friend of our family and is my forever real estate advisor." – Megan

  • "Brian kept us well informed on our best strategy to find and purchase the perfect home in a very competitive market!" – Jake

 I’ll be there for you, too

This is about your life and your dreams. Buying and selling your home is one of a few critical decisions in your life. It can’t be underestimated.

I’ll show up to the first consultation with open ears, ready to hear what this new home means to you. We’ll tackle market challenges with the most current knowledge and detailed negotiations. We’ll spend countless hours talking, brainstorming, and drafting.